Using the navPlace Extension With Leaflet

IIIF Presentation API 3 was extended to include a property called navPlace. The property contains geographic coordinates in the form of GeoJSON-LD. This guide will show navPlace within a IIIF Manifest, and then demonstrate how to process and display the information from the property using javascript and the Leaflet JS library.

Why Leaflet?

Leaflet is one of the most widely used and easy to understand javascript web mapping libraries with excellent API documentation, tutorial materials, and broad browser compatibility. Using Leaflet as the base technology will offer the most understandable instructions to a large audience. You can learn more about Leaflet at

The navPlace Property

In simple terms, navPlace is used to supply geographic coordinates pertinent to a IIIF resource type. Note that the coordinates used do not imply any level of accuracy, temporality, or state of existence. You can read more about the navPlace property on the IIIF Presentation API 3 extensions page.

Set up a HTML Page with Leaflet

The Leaflet Quickstart Guide was used as a basis for this guide, and should be viewed at your convenience to learn more about the tools and map customizations that Leaflet has to offer.

  1. Generate a new basic HTML page with a specific container element for Leaflet. Make sure to include the leaflet.css and leaflet.js script.

             <title>Leaflet Example</title>
             <meta charset="UTF-8">
             <link rel="stylesheet" href="...leaflet.css"/>
             <script src="...leaflet.js"></script>
             <div id="leafletInstanceContainer"></div>
  2. Generate a Manifest that contains navPlace. In this example, we expect the geographic coordinates will be a FeatureCollection containing a single Point Feature.

       "@context": [
       "id": "",
       "type": "Manifest",
       "label": {
         "en": [
           "Manifest Label"
       "items": [
           "id": "",
           "type": "Canvas",
       "navPlace": {
         "type": "FeatureCollection",
         "features": [
             "id": "",
             "type": "Feature",
             "properties": {
               "label": {
                 "en": [
                   "Label to see in the Leaflet pop-up."
               "summary": {
                 "en": [
                   "Summary to see in the Leaflet pop-up"
             "geometry": {
               "type": "Point",
               "coordinates": [
  3. Add Leaflet script to HTML page.

             <title>Leaflet Example</title>
             <meta charset="UTF-8">
             <link rel="stylesheet" href="...leaflet.css"/>
             <script src="...leaflet.js"></script>
             <div id="leafletInstanceContainer"></div>
           let manifest = {...}
             Initialize the Leaflet Map. The map will need to know the GeoJSON from navPlace to draw it. This function assumes you are passing in the resolved Manifest JSON as a parameter. In other implementations, it may be necessary to perform a GET request to get the JSON. In javascript, the fetch API is a good place to start.
           function initializeLeafletMap(manifestObject){
             //[12,12] is in central Africa and functions as a good focal point when Leaflet initializes zoomed out.
             let startingCoords = [12,12]
             let mymap ='leafletInstanceContainer')
             let leafletOptions = 
               attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
               maxZoom: 19
               Define the base map projection of the Earth that you want (satellite, elevation, infrared, etc.)
               The projections are powered by Tile Service providers. You can find examples at
              + */
             //Add the GeoJSON from the Manifest object
             L.geoJSON(manifestObject.navPlace, {
                 pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
                   let appColor = "#08c49c"
                   return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
                     radius: 8,
                     fillColor: appColor,
                     color: "#000",
                     weight: 1,
                     opacity: 1,
                     fillOpacity: 0.8
                 onEachFeature: pointEachFeature
              A helper function for Leaflet. Leaflet sees GeoJSON objects as "features". This function says what to do with each feature when adding the feature to the map. Here is where you detect what metadata appears in the pop-ups. For our purposes, we assume the metadata you want to show is in the GeoJSON 'properties' property. Our 'label' and 'summary' will be formatted as language maps, since they are most likely coming directly from a IIIF resource type and IIIF Presentation API 3 requires 'label' and 'summary' to be formatted as a language map.
           function pointEachFeature(feature, layer){
             //Oh no is the label you want in the Manifest? Instead of looking in the feature, look in the Manifest like... 
             //popupContent += `<div><label>Label:</label>${manifest.label.en}</div>`
             if ( {
               if( {
                   popupContent += `<div><label>Label:</label>${}</div>`
               if( {
                   popupContent += `<div><label>Summary:</label>${}</div>`

That’s it! When the HTML page loads, it will initialize a Leaflet map with the FeatureCollection found in the navPlace property of the Manifest. In the live example below, you should see the Leaflet map, zoomed out, with a single green point drawn in the center of Germany. Click the point to view its metadata.

IIIF Guides #41 Leaflet Example

You can also go to the example page to see it on its own.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of popular web mapping platforms that are similar to Leaflet and have similar set up procedures. They offer a variety of tools for people interested in using maps on the web.